LegendaryLea gets banned.. again Drama Hearthstone News May 1, 2016September 29, 20210 LegendaryLea has just received another 30 day suspension from Twitch.tv for an apparent "vagina slip" https://twitter.com/LegendaryLeaTV/status/724676912056922113 Many people are petitioning and pushing for a permanent ban from Twitch, whilst others are surprised she even got banned at all. It seems Lea's connection with boyfriend Sodapoppin has proved useful in her Twitch career. View the full
Reckful’s Gambling Addiction Drama Hearthstone April 13, 2016September 29, 20210 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z13hSfXhqCA Poor Reckful is addicted to gambling. feelsbadman
P4wnyhof Viewbotting Drama Gossip Hearthstone March 24, 2016September 29, 20210 P4wnyhof the popular Hearthstone Streamer has recently had a lot of evidence hinting towards him viewbotting on Twitch.tv. The evidence that has been uncovered show a series of screenshots (which you can see below) that more or less confirm that P4wnyhof has at least engaged in viewbotting in the past and strongly
Forsen vs Athene Viewbotting Drama Continued Drama Gossip Hearthstone News March 8, 2016September 29, 20210 There seems to be a lot of misconceptions, miscommunication and ignorance going on both from the streamers and the chat which I would like to clear up as neutral as possible. I would like to mention that you reading this text should think for yourself and not jump straight away
Mitch Jones, Reckful, Mira and Valkyrae Reveal ALL Drama Gossip Hearthstone February 27, 2016September 29, 20215 In one of Mitch Jones' fabled rare to occur streams; Mitch, Reckful, Mira and Valkyrae talk about their dramatic love lives. Mira wants Mitch to come to Vegas for undisclosed reasons (kappa) but Mitch is too much of a beta cuck and can't make his mind up. Some memorable moments are:
Athene Viewbotting World Record Longest Interactive Stream Drama Gossip Hearthstone News February 24, 2016September 29, 20213 At the time of this post Athene's channel has been live streaming on Twitch for 567 hours and for pretty much the whole duration of the stream his viewer count hasn't ever dipped below ~7k. This is already quite questionable and viewers have also began to realise that for a stream with
Streamers react to Ekop rant Drama Hearthstone January 15, 2016September 29, 20210 Ekop: I want to take the opportunity to publicly apologize to Cloud 9 and its manager Jack. I've always been proud to have the opportunity to represent Cloud 9 online and on events and tournaments around the world. Having this opportunity is a dream come true for me. I understand that what I said
Ekop rants about Massan, TidesOfTime, P4wnyhof, Cloud9 and Trump Drama Gossip Hearthstone January 14, 2016September 29, 20210 This week Hearthstone streamer Ekop went on a massive rant and revealed his inner salt concerning many popular twitch streamers. Can people just start reporting Massan to Twitch already? That would be nice. I'm sure if we all band together we can get him banned. http://www.twitch.tv/ek0p/v/35193169?t=2h10m50s It's not just the view botting... like